The Mjolnir Project (US) Shuts Down

Back in 2006 Dan the Blacksmith of White Hart Forge (in Oak Grove near Portland, Oregon) set out on a mission he called the Mjolnir Project, to gift hand forged Thor’s hammers to Heathens/Asatruar on active duty in the military so they were reminded that they were not forgotten back home. While there were many US soldiers who were recipients, there were also some military members from various international militaries who ended up with one too (Australia, Canada, Germany, Sweden, etc.). In fact, Dan partnered with blacksmith Martin (of Metalmorphose) in the United Kingdom to help him meet demand. He also sold hammers to those who either weren’t in the military, or were no longer active duty but veterans. There was even some “Mjolnir Project” apparel, proceeds of which helped offset material and shipping costs for the gifted hammers.

Earlier this year on July 3, 2023 Dan announced that while he hasn’t put down his blacksmith’s hammer, he no longer has the time thanks to a promotion at his primary job to keep the Mjolnir Project active and thus is shutting it down. While the US branch is shuttered, Martin (UK) is still keeping the project alive here. US service men and women, please reach out to him directly it sounds like for now Martin plans to continue to support active duty US military as he can.

I’m about 2 months late on learning about this development (Facebook algorithms are atrocious). I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge Dan’s good contributions and service to our community at large. Thank you sir for 17 years of hammers for our troops. If you received a hammer you may want to hop to his Facebook page and comment on his shutting down post to send one last thank you.

For posterity I’m including a screenshot of his farewell, and a few photos from his official Facebook page for the Mjolnir Project, including recipient appreciation photos of their gifted hammers, and Dan at work in the Forge. So if the Mjolnir Project page disappears from Facebook, there’s an alternative record highlighting his good works.

Hi Friends and Family of the Mjolnir Project. I have not posted in a long time. I have promoted to a better job in my Agency. I went from an Interpretive Park Ranger at a historic park to a Regional Archaeologist in our agency, Oregon Parks And Recreation Department. 
I love my new job as an archaeologist as I used to do that in the past but, I have less time in the Smithy. Point is you need a hammer but I can not get the time to build and ship them. I’m not setting my hammer down yet but I will not be building for the Mjolnir Project. 
It has been a great honor to get these hammers out to Soldiers since 2006 and you have showered me with your thanks, pix, and stories of where they have gone! I hope in some way you felt comfort knowing that folks back home thought and cared about you all! I like to imagine the archaeologists of the future who finds the hammer one of you dropped in Afghanistan!!!
I now hand over the hammer to my friend Martin of the Mjolnir Project - UK who came on board and helped me make these for soldiers. Look him up on FB.  
The page will still be up for a spell if you want to post. 
Take care and Thank You all for serving! Never Forget!
May your Ancestors walk by your side and May Thor watch over and protect you !
Dan the Blacksmith
White Hart Forge
Dan’s Notice on Shutting Down the Mjolnir Project on Facebook

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