Take a Knee

I’m probably about to get the internet trolls and deniers attacking me in an online community where I recently responded to someone else’s posts where they said in angry response to some asshole: “Even my Gods don’t ask me to kneel. Bye.”

The idea there is no kneeling or similar practices to our Gods is erroneous, there’s references abounding to it in the lore.

The real question is how common it was, or if such practices were unique to specific cultic worship, specific deities, specific celebrations or observances?

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The Holy Tides – Yule, its traditions, and religious observances

Just as our pagan cousins celebrate the eight major sabbats that comprise the Wheel of the Year, for those of us in the Northern Tradition we too have somewhat similar key celebrations that we call holy tides (from the Old Norsehátíðir). Some of these celebrations are more significant and special than others, and these especially important holy-days are known as high holy tides: such as Ostara, Winter Nights, and Yule which is now upon us.


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The Havamal ~ Offerings to the Gods, Goddesses, Ancestors and Vaettir

For most followers of the Northern Tradition upon learning about this path they read the myths about the Gods, and many tend to also study the Havamal. The Havamal is one of many sagas found in the Poetic Edda, and many of the stanzas are known as being a depository of advice as it applies to wanderers and guests when they travel abroad; it talks about what is proper behavior beyond one’s own homestead, and cautions the traveler to be wary so that he might eventually return to home having suffered no mischief or misfortune.


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Exploring Our Gods and Goddesses – Nerthus, a prayer & prayer card

I sponsored the creation of this prayer card by Grace Palmer for the Goddess Nerthus, and I’m thrilled that it is now available for Pre-Order  –  http://wp.me/p59Y9v-AK

NERTHUS - by Grace Palmer

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Our Existence is Found Between Chaos & Order

In the beginning, there was chaos, as characterized by the yawning void known as Ginnungagap. Flanking the void were the first two worlds: Niflheim in the north the ancient world of ice, and Muspelheim in the south the primordial world of fire. The two worlds brushed across one another, and the resulting clash of fire and ice (the very big bang of creation within the Norse cosmology) formed eitr, the waters of life and poison. Drops of these waters slowly coalesced together and formed the frost-cold Jotun (or giant) Ymir, the father of the Jotuns.

Eyjafjalla Jokull by Icelandicspitz
Eyjafjalla Jokull by Icelandicspitz http://bit.ly/1LFBknP

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